Friday, October 29, 2010

Perry, v. 2- Isaac Newton- Principia Mathematica

Perry, v. 2- Isaac Newton- Principia Mathematica

Will Stewart

Thesis: In his Principia Mathematica, Newton outlines universal law and asserts the experimental method as a way to acquire knowledge.

Rule 1. Nature does nothing in vain, values simplicity

Rule 2. Similar phenomena can be attributed to the same causes

-meteorites in Europe and America

-fire in a stove and the sun

Rule 3. Qualities found in all bodies subject to experiment can be assumed to be present in all bodies everywhere.


-all bodies, and therefore all particles, are mobile

Rule 4- anything experimentally determined to be true is considered to be true until proven wrong

Gravity- determined by quantity of particles

-discovery using impenetrability, mobility, and impulsive forces

God and the Universe

-star systems were placed by God immense distances from each other

-god directly rules over everything

-he is living, intelligent, and powerful

-he is intangible, and humans cannot understand his being

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