Thursday, January 13, 2011

Napoleon as Enlightened Despot FRQ

Napoleon was the greatest enlightened despot, a leader who promoted Enlightenment ideals such as of the rights of man, because of the lasting reforms he was able to enact. Though other enlightened despots, such as Joseph II, enacted reforms similar to Napoleon, these reforms were not as widespread throughout Europe and none lasted as long.

1. Napoleon’s enlightened reforms

a. Napoleonic Code codified law and gave all citizens equal treatment under the law

b. Secularization, such as freedom of religion and rejection of historical Catholic influence from the Gallican church

c. Abolishment of legal classes and privilege in taxes and state and military offices

d. Reformulation of government with regards to Enlightenment ideals and not history

e. Joseph II made similar reforms (abolishing serfdom and classes, secularization, etc.)

2. Napoleon’s enduring power

a. Had a powerful backing from French people (unlike Joseph II) and so was able to carry out more reforms more easily

b. Managed to spread reform all across Europe – Italy, Poland, Spain and Confederation of Rhine (both with some difficulty)

c. Because of his power and support, Napoleon was able to ensure that his reforms were widespread and lasting, thus making him the only enlightened despot with such an impact in Europe

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