Thursday, August 26, 2010

Petrarch: Father of Humanism

Thesis: In Petrarch’s criticism against dialecticians of his time, he argues that the medieval writers and literature are barabaric compared to the style of classic writers such as Cicero, Seneca, and other Romans

· Background of Petrarch:

· Francesco Petrarca: (1304-1374) – poet and scholar

· He was called Father of Humanism

· Inspired other Humanists with his love of the classics

· Demonstrates self-consciousness in the modern outlook

· Remained a devout Christian

· Considered a Christian Humanist modeled by Erasmus

· Criticism:

· Calls the dialecticians not only ignorant but also demented

· “Men who are innocent of knowledge and virtue, and yet harbour the most exalted opinion of themselves”

· Criticism against their attacking the dead authors, for Petrarch believes that the classical writers express extremely meaningful humanistic values vs. the dull annals of Medieval writers

Jack Whitson