Friday, September 3, 2010

Perry #7: Erasmus, "In Praise of Folly"

Erasmus reveals how far religious people have strayed from original teachings. He attacks the theologians, monks, and various forms of piety, saying that they are not acting as they were intended too.

The theologians, who are meant to support and understand the teachings of the Church, are instead attacking those who think differently. they often call these people heretics, "For this is the thunderbolt they always keep ready at a moments notice to terrify anyone whom they are not very favorably inclined..."

The monks, who are supposed to be charitable and kind to everyone, demand donation for the monastery. They can keep a very accurate count of the prayers they say, but cannot understand the meaning of them.

The saints are meant to be a guide to everyone on earth, but, though not through their own fault, are being worshipped and idolized in hopes that they will bestow blessings and good luck upon the worshippers.

Donations of money should be gestures of charity and love towards the Church, but many people mistake them as a "Get out of jail free pass" for their sins. if they have been leading a very sinful life recently, they simply give a small amount of money to a church and assume that all their sins are forgiven so that they may begin anew.

Timothy Bulso

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