Monday, February 7, 2011

Carl Schurz, Revolution Spreads to the German States

MHEAP-Andrew Fortugno

Carl Schurz, Revolution Spreads to the German States

Thesis: After the February Revolution in Paris the German National movement seemed to take action, the people became excited and started to demand their rights and take them by force until even Metternich had his downfall.

· Carl Schurz (1829-1906)

o Student at University of Bonn

o After revolution failed he fled to Switzerland and eventually went to the United States, where he had a distinguished career as a senator, cabinet member, and journalist.

· Agitation from the February Revolution brings students to want change in Germany

· Unable to study and focus the students look for German national unity

· Schurz expresses the want of “ Constitutional form of government on a broad democratic basis.”

· People sang the “Marseillaise” as a “hymn of liberty”

· Revolutionary spirit spread all over Germany

· Students in Vienna where the first to assail to the Emperor of Austria with cry of liberty and citizens rights.

· Downfall of Prince Metternich

· Masses surged the Streets in Prussia and everyone looked for events of great importance

· Black, Red, and Gold Flag

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