Friday, February 25, 2011

John Stuart Mill - The Subjection of Women

Mill argues for complete equality between men and women, citing that female subordination violates individual rights and stifles progress.

Female subordination never had any rational cause behind it, and was simply due to the fact that women are weaker physically

Despite women having accepted subordination in the past, they are now rejecting it in greater numbers and with larger force - proving their intelligence and ability to organize

The current social system enslaves women to their husbands and their sexuality

In preventing women from voting, men have violated the rights of half of the population for the purpose of maintaining their social position

Voting is a vital human right because it is a form of self-protection against the government, and denying this right to women is completely unjust

Women are just as wise and clever as men, and women participating in government would only strengthen the nation

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