Tuesday, November 2, 2010

FRQ: Scientific Revolution

Because the humanities and the sciences were alike in demanding evidence for belief and trusting in the power of reason, from 1550 to 1750, the Scientific Revolution had great impact on both religion and philosophy.

I. Introduction

II. Religion
a. Promoted Religious Skepticism
i. Knowledge of Planets and Orbit around the Sun inspired religious skeptics
ii. Absolute regularity of nature sparked skepticism among miracles that occurred in religious history
iii. Critical History of the Old Testament
1. Richard Simon, French Priest
b. Did inspire great Religious Epiphanies
i. Paschal
1. Man in Naturally Evil
2. God is the only light for salvation
a. No need for religious institutions

III. Philosophy
a. Spinoza
i. Pantheism
1. God has no existence apart from the world
2. Everything itself was an aspect of God
b. Locke
i. Mirrored the beliefs of Bacon
1. Empiricism- insisting on experience and observation as sources of truth
ii. Christianity was a reasonable form of religion
iii. Felt as if man was naturally good but government was corrupted
1. Gov’t should only serve the people’s best interests

IV. Conclusion
a. All these great thinkers encompassed in their theories religion and philosophy because they were inspired by sciences the question the ideas of their predecessors.

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