Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hitler, On Poland

Thesis: In Hitler’s own words the invasion of Poland would not have taken place if he had foreseen any resistance and if the pact with the Soviet Union had not taken place.

I. Hitler considers himself the greatest statesmen in the world

a. Stalin and Mussolini are the others (Mussolini is the weakest of the three)

II. Japan and Italy, according to Hitler, could not and most likely would not help him to the level that he wanted to be helped

a. Next best ally is Russia

III. Alliance with Russia

a. Opens up the opportunity to invade and take Poland

IV. Hitler saw a very likely lack of any kind of resistance

a. If Hitler thought that the war would have taken more than a few weeks he would not have invaded Poland

b. England an France will do nothing more than blockade Germany – not a big deal because now they have Russia

After Stalin died, Hitler planned on taking Russia exactly like he took Poland

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