Thursday, April 21, 2011

Winston Churchill- "Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat"

In 1940, Churchill was able to use his extrodinary oratory skills to rally the British people for the war they had sought to avoid for 2 decades with 5 key speeches.
May 13
-We are facing many long months of struggling and suffering
-We must offer up our Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat
-To defeat Hitler, we must fight with EVERYTHING we've got
-What is our aim? Victory at any and all costs
May 19
-Old rivals (Britain and France) must join together not to save Europe, but to save humanity
-Many races will be exterminated "unless we conquer, as conquer we must, and conquer we shall"
June 4
-We will never fail
-We will never surrender
-We will never give up
June 18
-The Battle of France is over, The Battle of Britain is about to begin
-The full might of our enemy will soon be upon us
-If we win, Hitler will fall
-If we lose, humanity will fall
August 20
-British airmen are turning the tide of the war
-History is being changed by a small group of men
-we owe them everything

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