Monday, November 1, 2010

Discourse on Method

Discourse on Method – Rene Descartes

Part 1
A. Originally taught that reading would help him to gain knowledge
B. He had many doubts about what he learned
C. He decided that he could not trust what others taught without testing things for himself
D. Too many people have thought of controversial philosophies which cannot be proven
E. He advises that all people should think for themselves to learn things and not just trust everything they are told

Part 2
A. He decided to reject everything he had learned until he could learn how it fit
Into nature
B. He then warns that not everyone should follow his example
C. People are influenced too much by custom
1. People have different philosophies which are equally reasonable but only one can be true
D. He will take his time and be careful
E. A few sound and proven laws are better than many, complex laws that are not
1. Only accept something if it is certain and has substantial evidence
2. Divide complex ideas into simpler parts
3. Begin with simple and build up to more complex ideas
4. check work

Part 4
A. Reject everything that has any doubt
B. “I think therefore I am” was the first principle he accepted

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