Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Second Treatise on Government

John Locke, a philosopher during the Enlghtenment, in the passage, Second Treatise on Government, argued that power exercised by magistrates cannot be absolute or arbitrary with the following points.

1) People are to be governed by promulgated established laws, and laws should not be varied or different between the rich and poor.

2) Laws should not be designed for any reason but the good of the people

3) Government should not raise taxes on property without the consent of the people

4) Legislative should not transfer the power of making laws to anybody else, or place it anywhere, except where the people have elected it to be taken place.

5) If the government does break these codes, against the good of the people, then they put themselves at war with the people.

Conclusion of Locke: The end of government is the good of mankind, but it is best for mankind to be tested by the limits of tyrannical rule because it makes the will of man stronger.

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