Monday, November 1, 2010

New Astronomy

Thesis: Through the works of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo, Newton was able to expand on the idea of a helio-centric universe and create the idea of universal gravitation.

I. Introduction
A. Ptolemaic system
1. Earth is the center of the universe
B. Rejection of Ptolemaic system
1. leads to religious upheaval
II. Nicholas Copernicus
A. Helio-centric universe
1. sun is the center of the solar system
2. Earth revolves around the sun
B. Mathematical demonstration
1. able to prove the movement of the planets
III. Johannes Kepler
A. Orbits of planets
1. not circles, but ellipses
2. abstract mathematical figure
B. Length and speed of orbits
1. able to predict using mathematics
IV. Galileo
A. Composition of the moon
1. With use of telescope, able to see that moon is made out of same material as Earth
2. Dark side of the moon and reflection of light
B. Heavenly bodies, not so heavenly
1. showed that planets are all made out of similar substances
A.Idea of newton
1. with these concepts Newton is able to figure out Universal Gravitation
2. sun attracts Earth and gravity holds down objects on Earth

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