Sunday, November 7, 2010

Voltaire- A Plea for Tolerance and Reason

Voltaire's "A Plea for Tolerance and Reason", criticizes the irrationality, hypocrisy, and superstition of men, and attempts to sow the seeds of reason among his readers.

-The "last law of nature" is to "mutually pardon our follies" (tolerance)

-Christians are hypocritical in regards to their adherence to tolerance

-"The progress of reason is slow, the roots of prejudice lie deep. Doubtless, I shall never see the fruits of my efforts, but they are seeds which may one day germinate.

-Voltaire believes that rigid interpretation of dogma, especially the trinity, can only be a cause of strife among men.

-Fanaticism, as displayed during the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, can only be conquered by reason and philosophical reflection.

-Prosecutors are the enemy of man, and are driven by fanaticism

-Superstition and belief in witchcraft only lead to violence, and should be eradicated.

-Finally, Voltaire strips the romanticism away from war, and paints a grisly scene of terror in regards to war.

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