Saturday, November 6, 2010

Enlightenment FRQ

Enlightenment FRQ

Thesis: During the Age of Reason, through acknowledging and reforming social and economic problems, people sought to better the natural rights of man and further optimistic progress.

1. Introduction

a. The skeptical outlook toward tradition

b. Confidence in ability of the human mind

2. Economic progress through the new sciences

a. Adam Smith

i. Realistic view followed by millions of persons

1. Motivation for production and exchange should be for the self-interest of the people involved

2. Minimizing economic problems

a. Insecure individuals

b. Dangers of over- dependence of country on imports of food and stuff

c. Govt should not regulate the economy but rather stimulate social peace

b. Physiocrats

i. Economists although not adhering to Enlightenment thoughts, they used their reason and knowledge of the economy in the benefit of own country’s industries and production

1. Increase national wealth by reduction of barriers that hindered its growth

3. Social understanding through reason and knowledge

a. Supernatural senses declined for the more educated Europeans

b. Less of a sense of a personal God

i. The belief in God being similar to the watchmaker

ii. Fear of God and fear of the devil was lost

c. Freemasonry

i. Inclusive of all social classes

ii. Work toward the self-improvement of others and society through reason, toleration, and humane reforms

d. Philosophes closest to Voltaire

i. Favored toleration for intellectual differences

ii. Desired more equality in European societies

4. Conclusion

a. Belief in the unity of “humankind”

b. Equality

i. Everyone would eventually be involved in same progress

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