Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Political leaders committed to radical or extremist goals often exert authoritarian control in the name of higher values"

Through the reign of terror, Robespierre and other leading jacobins exerted authoritarian control in order to keep the unity of France and the rights of man.

I. Intro
A. Background to the Terror
1. Mountains expel Girondins from the National Convention
2. Robespierre and the Girondins take control
B.Convention under attack
1. under pressure from extremists to the left and right
II. "Reign of Terror"
A. Repression of "counterrevolution"
1. revolutionary courts used instead of lynch law
2. committee of general security acts as political police
B. Committee of Public Safety
1. designed to protect republic from internal enemies
2. joint dictatorship and war cabinet
C. Levee en masse
1. calling all able bodied men to rally for the republic
III. Results of the Terror
A. Secessionists in the west
1. Vendee and other provinces attempt to revolt
2. rebellions put down by revolutionary armies and rebels are killed
B. Dechristianization of the herbertists
1. alienate many catholics from the republic
2. Robespierre creates the cult of the Supreme Being
IV. War during the Terror
A.National Army
1. largest army ever in Europe
B.Victories in the Netherlands
1. institute a republic in Belgium
C.Downfall of dictatorial rule
1. with military successes, French are less willing to put up with the Reign of Terror
V. Fall of Robespierre
1. Robespierre is outlawed for antagonizing significant parties
2. guillotined on Thermidor 9

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